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Who am I? Applied mathematician, lecturer, scientific computing specialist.
What do I do? Mathematical modelling of real-life systems, from topics in fluid mechanics to wave propagation and agent-based modelling. Often with a heavy high performance computing element and in collaboration with industry.
When do I do it? Pretty much any time, but I am a morning person.
Where do I do it? In my office, on medium to large computing clusters based at several institutions, though on occasion it happens on top of a hill or in the confines of a post-conference meal pub.
As of September 2019, I have taken up the role of Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics at the Warwick Mathematics Institute and I am now an Associate Professor (since 2022, and Reader since 2023). In the past I have worked within the Oxford Mathematical Institute as Hooke Research Fellow (2017-2019) and the Department of Mathematics in Imperial College London (2011-2017) as M.Sc. and Ph.D. student, followed by a PDRA position. I maintain appointments in both institutions through visiting fellowships and honorary associations, as well as active ties with several other UK-based and international groups.
Within Warwick I currently act as Deputy Director of the Warwick Fluid Dynamics Research Centre, and serve as part of the Warwick Centre for Applications of Mathematical and Computing Sciences (CAMaCS for short) executive committee. At a national level, I am the departmental Knowledge Exchange Champion as part of the UK Knowledge Exchange Hub for Mathematical Sciences (KE Hub) and sit on the executive committee of the UK Fluids Network, while also supporting the UKRI National Fellowships in Fluid Dynamics (NFFDy) programme.
I work on methodologies used to address technologically relevant problems pertaining to the broad field of fluid mechanics, in subareas such as microfluidics, water retention on aircraft surfaces, spray atomisation and electrohydrodynamics. I am also active in computational acoustics (perfectly matched layers in particular) and in a more general industrial mathematical modelling setting, with previous projects in operational research and performance optimisation in flow-related devices (e.g. vacuum pumps, pesticide sprays). I often participate in Study Groups with Industry, as well as events within the UK Fluids Network as part of several Special Interest Groups.
You can find an overview of my research interests here, with several case studies and dedicated web content on the topics below soon to follow.
High-speed flows and drop impact
Multi-physics modelling and control
Computational acoustics
Industrial mathematics
Past conferences and seminar activity
Below is a map of the various institutions and places around the world I've been fortunate enough to visit for seminars, workshops and conferences. (Blue = seminars, Red = conferences, Green = workshops, Orange = virtual lectures/events)
Recent and future events
I am currently in my study leave / sabbatical year, spending the start of 2025 in Australia, with the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane as my base (visiting Prof. Scott McCue under a Royal Society International Exchanges grant). The adventure also took me to ANZIAM 2025, a visit to Sydney (giving seminars at Macquarie University and the University of Sydney), and will feature a trip to Adelaide later in March. Super excited!
What's next you ask? Back in Europe, highlights include:
co-organising a mini-symposium at BMC-BAMC 2025 (Exeter)
giving a plenary talk at AMP 2025 (Oxford)
if all goes well, attending Droplets 2025 (Liege)!
co-organising the 2025 edition of the Basilisk and Gerris Users' Meeting (Oxford)
plus a few nice seminar visits (Birmingham, Oxford, UCL) already in the diary over the late spring and summer months.